
Cabrini Technology Group was first certified as a quality organisation in 1996 through ISO9001. Since initial certification, it has become an Accredited Inspection Body with NATA and now has certified Asset and Information Security Management Systems through ISO55001 and ISO27001.

These systems evolved and continually improved alongside Cabrini Technology Group’s growth and have contributed to offering customers services that are of the highest quality.

The business entities that form the Cabrini Technology Group are;

  • AWA Technology Services
  • Axis Health
  • Chemtronics Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemtronics Direct
  • Hospitech


ISO 9001 350x350

Certificate QEC6477 - view our certificate

ISO9001:2015 Certified Quality Management System

The provision of lifecycle management biomedical devices, assistive technology equipment, ICT equipment, and provision of healthcare infrastructure consulting services.

To ensure that we continually satisfy our customers through providing excellent services, we take a process driven approach to all our business operations through applying the Cabrini Technology Group Quality Management System.

Cabrini Technology Group's approach to Quality is much more than having ISO 9001 Certification purely for the sake of holding a Certificate. The Cabrini Technology Group Quality Policy is a key component of the company strategy and we review it regularly to check that it is appropriate for current market conditions, aligned with the Cabrini Technology Vision, Mission and Values and most importantly, to ensure that we are satisfying our customers.

Quality is a part of our culture and forms a significant part of the overall governance of the organisation. Our people are crucial to achieving our Quality objectives. They actively contribute to ensure that we provide quality services that, at a minimum, conform to all relevant Australian Standards and to the ongoing process of improvement initiatives.

Cabrini Technology Group is committed to not only complying with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard but most importantly to continually improving our processes and the effectiveness of our quality management system so that we can provide the best of service to our highly valued customers and service partners.


ISM ISO27001 info Sec PMS032

Certificate ITGOV40243 - view our certificate

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Certified Information Security, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection Information Security Management System

Provision of field and workshop service, logistics and inventory management and call centre operation business of the AWA division within the Cabrini Technology Group

AWA’s ISO 27001 Certification defines our Information Security Management System that protects our information assets from risk of cyber threat. In doing so it protects not only data sensitive to our business but also data we hold through dealings with our customers and business partners. It guides and specifies the implementation of security controls, customised to the need of the AWA business, identified through regular risk review and assessment.

Our certification under ISO 27001 is critical for AWA to meet its customer contractual commitments to data protection and privacy and for us to comply with the various Australian legal requirements.


bsi iso 55001 asset management logo

Certifcation AMS 673286 - view our certificate

ISO55001:2014 Certified Asset Management System

The asset management system in relation to governance of the provision of life cycle management of biomedical devices, assistive technology equipment and the provision of specialised consulting services to health facilities and infrastructure to augment the delivery of health care services.

The Cabrini Technology Group strategic asset management plan is designed to support our client-service led strategy and realises the opportunities embodied in our ISO 55001 certification.

The effective management of physical assets is complex and medical equipment, a specialised kind of asset, presents some further unique challenges beyond that of typical civil assets. Many items of medical equipment are technically complex, requiring specialist expertise to use, manage, assess and repair.

They tend to have shorter lives than more traditional assets such as buildings and infrastructure, and hence require more focused and frequent attention. In a typical health service, medical technology assets represent a considerable investment and operating cost, with potentially severe consequences following inadequate performance or failure.

The Cabrini Technology Group Strategic Asset Management Framework is designed to recognise these characteristics and provides principles, practices and techniques designed to assist our clients and staff in managing medical equipment assets.

It aims to ensure equipment meets clinical requirements, is effectively maintained, is replaced when and only when it needs to be, and that additional equipment is acquired when needed. All this has to be accomplished in a constrained environment for both capital and operating costs.



Accreditation Number 17383 - view our certificate

ISO/IEC 17020 NATA Accredited Inspection Body

Our In-A-Tick business maintains accreditation with the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) for the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 in the following areas:

Acceptance and pre- and post-overhaul determination of safety and performance of medical devices.

Code(s): AS/NZS 3551 Section 5 and 6
Acceptance and post-installation inspections of patient areas

Code(s): AS/NZS 3003
Body-protected and cardiac-protected areas

Code(s): AS/NZS 3760
In-service inspection of electrical equipment

Code(s): AS 2896 Section 6 and referenced clauses
Periodic inspection of Medical Gas Systems

For further information about In-A-Tick’s NATA accreditation, please visit the NATA website.